Monday, June 21, 2010

WOLF MOON: 12.27.2008 - 01.25.2009

The following is my summary of moon images from the WOLF cycle which occured between December 27, 2008 and January 25, 2009.


~5:30pm - 2% illumination
This is one of the youngest moons in my catalog of images and one that I recall shooting with pleasure since these were semihandheld using a monopod to support my XTi and "BIGMA", ie the Sigma 50-500mm lens.

While these may not be the sharpest due to the challenge of handling such a large lens on a monopod I was pleased to capture Mercury and Jupiter following this 1+ day old waxing crescent over the horizon.


~6:15pm - 6% illumination
This is one of my best attempts at capturing a young moon with my 1000mm lens setup.


~ 5:55pm - 11% illumination
Another 1000mm lens capture also with some 500mm examples...

...and one including earthshine.


~7:35pm - 27% illumination
Woohoo the first moon of 2009, a classic looking waxing crescent in 1000mm glory.


~5:30pm - 35% illumination
Another waxing crescent soon after dusk gave way to the night sky

~8:50pm - 37% illumination
Just a few hours later and the moon is ready to lay down for its evening nap.

I managed to catch a shot of this in the sky,
...and reflected in a puddle of rain water.


~4:20pm - 45% illumination
Oh now this is one of my favorite DAYS of moon shooting, I love seeing the moon in a see of bright blue and this waxing crescent/prehalf moon stands out well in the pre-sunset light.

~5:30pm - 46% illumination
I decided to follow this moon into the night and you can see how crater detail begins to really show once the sun has set.

~10:20pm - 48% illumination
5 hours later and the moon is ready for bed.


~12:40pm - 54% illuminated
Some shots of the moon midday from a parking lot. I happened to have my camera on me but only with the kit lens so no telephoto glory, but I liked how I could position it around the rows of lights.

~11:15pm - 59% illuminated
Those clear blue skies from earlier gave way to murky cloud cover that almost ruined my chances at getting a shot that night. Luckily the haze was thin enough for me to use my 1000mm combo.


~5:25pm - 77% illuminated
Waxing Gibbous with no cloud cover.


~5:25pm - 86%
Even more Gibbous waxing the night away.


~5:00pm - 93%
I <3 gibbous moons at dusk. Here I follow it into the night...

~2:40am - 96%
And again deep in the night when it has turned on its head ready to dive across the horizon.


~5:00pm - 98%
I have many favorite moon phases, and the day before a full moon is high on the list. I enjoy watching a nearly full moon rise over the horizon while the sky is still blue and watching the sky as it changes from blue, to orange to black. I also tried unsuccessfully to capture a plane crossing the moon. The unfortunate bit is that I have since lost access to this shooting location so getting a shot like that will be even more difficult.

7:15pm - 98%
Here is the waxing gibbous prefull moon now that night has taken over.


~5:30pm - 100%
Mmmm, full moon rising at dusk, I <3 the silhouetted trees
...and tried my best to capture the crazy orange glow from that evening.

~8:10pm - 100%


~8:00pm - 98%
Waning gibbous at 1000mm


9:30pm - 94%
Waning gibbous


~11:45pm - 86%
Waning gibbous


~11:20pm - 78%
Waning gibbous with and without a light cloud cover. This is one of my favorite/confounding/joyous/annoying things about
photographing the moon, especially in Northern California winters, cloud cover can come and go in minutes. Sometimes its a joy to have, other times it isn't like when the sky is completely overcast the entire night. Luckily this wasn't one of those bad nights.


~4:10am - 66%
Waning gibbous


~2:25am - 57%
Waning gibbous/prehalf moon


~5:40am - 46%
Waning crescent/posthalf moon just before night gives way...
~7:50am - 45%
to a waning crescent after sunrise.

~6:30am - 36%
Waning crescent before dawn, and the last of this month for me.

I hope you enjoyed them. Please let me know which moon was your favorite from this month. I'll write more about a particular day if there are enough requests.

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